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Trees are a valuable part of our community.  By caring for our trees today, we are making our community a better place for tomorrow.  Our City tree ordinance (Wahoo City Code, Section 98.01 to 98.18) is designed to protect trees and reduce future conflicts between trees and the urban environment.  It guides us when we plant, maintain, and remove trees in a public area.  The information below describes the City of Wahoo's tree ordinance and how it may affect you.

Tree Ordinance Definitions

The land most often affected by the City's tree ordinance is known as the sidewalk space.  The sidewalk space is the area along the side of the street between the curb line and the property line.  “Street trees” consist of trees, shrubs, bushes, and all other woody vegetation within the sidewalk space defined above.

Street Tree Ownership and Maintenance

The property owner shall be the owner of all street trees located in the sidewalk space adjacent to the abutting property. It is the duty of the property owner to maintain all street trees so that they will not be declared a nuisance.  For information and details about planting street trees in the sidewalk space, visit the Street Tree Planting page on our website.

Tree Nuisances

A nuisance may be declared when property owners permit, allow, or maintain any dead or diseased trees within the sidewalk space or on private property within the City.  In addition, property owners must keep the branches or limbs of street trees or trees on private property trimmed to the height of at least eight (8) feet above the surface of the sidewalk.

Tree Topping Prohibited

It shall be unlawful as a normal practice for any property owner to “top” any street tree or other tree on public property.  Property owners are strongly encouraged to refrain from topping trees on private property as well.  Trees severely damaged by storms or other causes, or certain trees under utility wires may be exempted by the City Tree Board.

Additional Resources

The following links are excellent resources for information about trees:

If you need additional clarification or information about the City of Wahoo's community forestry program or have a question in reference to tree health, planting, or removal contact Kevin at (402) 443-4174 or email here.